Oros Strike Indicator Biodegradability Report
In order to substantiate or biodegradability claim, we are testing our strike indicators using, ASTM D5988, the "Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic Biodegradation in Soil of Plastic Materials or Residual Plastic Materials After Composting." Although the biodegradable additive we are using works in marine environments as well, we assume that if one of our indicators is lost in a stream, it will eventually end up on the bank of a river or stream, in the soil. Watch the video for more info.
The chart below demonstrates our test results as of earlier this spring. After 96 days our strike indicator, including the foam and nylon biodegraded by 19.2%. Our indicator is represented by the blue line in between the yellow and green lines. The yellow and green lines are control samples for the experiment. We'll post updated results this summer.