Who knew nymphing at night could be so much fun?
Strike Indicators Don’t Have To Be Frustrating
“Strike indicators are a pain to use. They have tiny parts to fumble and lose, or are not balanced on the line. Some have parts sticking out that get tangled. Applying, adjusting and removing strike indicators from the line is challenging in the best of conditions, let alone when it is cold. I haven’t found the perfect strike indicator until now.”
Patrick Douglas - Founder of Oros Fly Fishing and inventor of the new Oros Strike Indicators.

How To Attach Oros Strike Indicators
Produced and packaged for less environmental impact.
Patent Information
Oros's patent, US 12,137,678 B2 has been issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office
We will take all appropriate actions to protect our intellectual property.
Other patent applications that cover these Oros strike indicators include US 18/469,777 (published as US 2024/0008467 A1).

Store locator
Find your local fly shop to purchase 3-packs or individual strike indicators.

Fly Fishing Blog
Keep up to date on all the goings-on around Oros and the fly fishing / strike indicator industry